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Programme in brief  (download PDF schedule here)

Wednesday December 7, 2022



Live Broadcast - "There's No Planet B: The Blue Marble Fifty Years On." Part of UoP's Pop Matters Series. View here


Talks begin at 15.30pm -
Eldon Building, room 1.10.

Book tickets.



Welcome (Oliver Gruner, Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture, University of Portsmouth).



Introductory remarks (Claudia Maraston, Professor of Astrophysics, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth).



Public talk: Jennifer Levasseur (Curator at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C.) - The Visual Legacy of Apollo Astronaut Photography. 



Break (coffee/tea in Eldon, room 1.09).



Response to Jennifer Levasseur/ Introduction (James Ryan, Professor and Head of the School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature, University of Portsmouth).



Public talk: Robert Poole (Professor

of History, the University of Central Lancashire) - The Whole Earth: Blue Marble, 1972-2022. Book tickets.



Day ends.


Thursday December 8, 2022


Events begin at 10am - Eldon Building and Park Building. Book tickets



Workshop: David Amuneni (University of Portsmouth) - "GalaxyVRexplorer." 



Exhibition tours (with Simone Gumtau, Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture, University of Portsmouth).



Talks/Exhibition: A Blue Marble For 2022. Eldon Building room 0.20. Book tickets.



Daniel Alexander (Course Leader MA Photography, London College of Communication);

Rachael Brown (Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture, University of Portsmouth);

Simone Gumtau (Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture, University of Portsmouth);

Phevos Kallitsis (Associate Head of Architecture, University of Portsmouth).

Ziggy Kolker (Senior Lecturer in Photography, University of Portsmouth)

Dan McCabe (Course Leader MA Graphic Design, University of Portsmouth).

Paul Newland (academic and AI artist).



Public talk: Neil Maher (Professor of History, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rutgers University) - Greening the Blue Marble: Space Data, Visual Culture and the Birth of an Environmental Icon. Online via Zoom, or Park Building room 3.23.



Public talk: Peter Kramer (Senior Research Fellow, De Montfort University) - Earth and Space in Blockbuster Movies, 1968-2019.

Eldon Building room 1.11.



Day ends.






Friday December 9, 2022


Public events begin at 2pm - Eldon Building 1.10. Book tickets.



Blue Marble readings from Drama and Performance students (with Nick Wakefield, Course Leader BA Drama and Performance and Kit Danowski, Senior Lecturer in Performance, University of Portsmouth).



Public talk: Tim Lenton (Director of the Global Systems Institute and Chair in Climate Change and Earth Systems Science, University of Exeter) - Gaia as Seen from Above and Within. Online via Zoom or Eldon 1.10.

With an Introduction from Nick Pepin (Reader in Climate Science, University of Portsmouth). Book tickets.




Film screening: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). With an introduction from Peter Kramer (Senior Research Fellow, De Montfort University).



Day ends.


Logo design: Joshua Langley

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